The Debut Novel from
Peter Danish

By Peter Danish
Published by Pegasus USA Books
"If he's caught, it will mean a firing squad. If he does nothing, she will surely die - and the world will never know the greatest voice of all time. That's something he simply can't accept - whatever the risk."
In 1941, an Italian soldier, an aspiring opera singer himself, risked his life to ensure that a wonderfully talented young Greek opera singer made it through WWII alive. This is his story.
"The Tenor" is a sweeping, epic tale of historical fiction, reminiscent of Ann Patchett’s “Bel Canto” and Louis de Bernières’ “Captain Corelli’s Mandolin.” It swiftly moves from the hero's youth in pre-war Italy, to his coming of age in war-torn Greece, before ending in a shattering surprise finale at Maria Callas’ historic final performance ever on the stage of New York’s Metropolitan Opera House in 1965.

To order THE TENOR now, simply click on any of your favorite online book sellers listed here. Available, in hardcover, paperback and e-book editions!

Early response to "The Tenor" has been overwhelming! Take a look at what the critics and the stars are saying about Peter Danish's new novel:
"Mr. Danish's clever use of the history of one of the greatest voices ever to sing, Maria Callas, and a little known part of that history, her early life during turbulent times in the world, gives this a truly romantic and involving idea.... I loved it and any opera lover would too. Easy, readable and knowledgeable about life, music and all the stuff that happens in between....!"
- Aprile Millo, Metropolitan Opera Star
"(Peter Danish) offers the reader an experience that only few authors are capable of generating.” - L’Idea Magazine.com
“A book of superb storytelling... Danish’s sentences are silky and lush with description...with musicality of prose and mesmerizing lyrical writing." - The Hook of a Book Blog.
“The Tenor was a true joy to read. The themes of music and art are skillfully and delicately woven through the novel rather than being overly stuffy and pretentious. Readers will not be able to resist being drawn into the story and onto the stage. The Tenor is no doubt a page-turner and historical fiction readers will love it.”
– Close the Cover Reviews
“Mr. Danish’s writing is art in itself. His words at time are poetic and you feel yourself being carried away on his gently rolling waves. His accuracy for historical details is flawless…. Beautifully written and easily enjoyable by fans of historical drama. ”
– Kelsey’s Book Corner
“An incredible and beautiful story.”
– Princess Eboli Reviews
"Beyond remarkable!"
- Jorie Loves a Story.com
"Mr. Danish's exceeding knowledge of and passion for the medium of opera suffuses every line of this cinderella narrative, one that provides a thrill ride for both the novice and the seasoned opera fan. The Tenor is impossible to put down...."
- Samuel Juliano, Wonders in the Dark.com
"There is no repose or standstill in Peter Danish’s smooth and untiring prose and the final effect is a novel which fascinates and engages the reader!" - Book Reviews Unlimited
“As an operatic diva that has sung over 100 performances with the Metropolitan Opera, I can say without hesitation, that “The Tenor” is a riveting and accurate tale of life imitating art! Peter Danish’s story telling ability is lyrical and powerful as he explores the life of an opera singer through passion, longing, romance and war! The accuracy of his descriptions about a singer’s journey, his musical and operatic references and his colorful characters, including the incomparable Maria Callas, make this a must read!”
- Victoria Livengood, The Metropolitan Opera
"Whether Peter Danish is writing about music history or travel in his vastly entertaining novel, "The Tenor," his words fly off the page. The whirlwind of images invites the reader into a world that will be familiar to some, foreign to other - but captivating to all. Read it!"
- Richard Sasanow, Editor-in-Chief Broadway World Opera
"The easy flowing prose of Mr. Danish’s historically engaging novel is expertly paced and eloquently depicted. As an opera singer who has sung hundreds of performances around the world I think this book will be a compelling read for music lovers and an exhilarating story for all readers. Bravo, Mr. Danish!"
- Korliss Uecker, The Metropolitan Opera
"Each page of Tenor is as rich as a box of Italian chocolates. By page 8 I already found 7 lines I wanted to steal. Dive in and trust author Peter Danish to sweep you up and lead you through a remarkable adventure! I couldn't put it down.”
- Tom Dudzick, playwright, Over the Tavern
“Facts and fiction playfully intertwine in this opera lover's delight!"
- Alberto Ferreras, award-winning author, B as in Beautiful
"The Tenor was a not what I was expecting. Yes, it's about opera. Yes, it's an homage to art and artists. Yes, it's about dreaming fulfilling one's destiny. But-it's about all those things without being fussy or precious. It's decidedly unfussy--because it's about people who work really hard....Peter Danish creates characters you root for. He has woven a tale that keeps you wanting to find out what happens next! I think they call those page-turners!"
- John Cariani, Tony Award Nominee, playwright, Almost Maine
“With his far-reaching opera expertise and keen insight into the Italian soul, Peter Danish draws us into his captivating story of the joys and heartaches of the performer's life. The result is a satisfying read for book lovers and opera lovers alike. Bravo, Il Tenore!”
- Erica Miner, Award-winning Author, Murder in the Pit

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